Marketing / Sales / Training
Our collaborative XR solution

Virtual Collaboration in 3d space

With our own system we offer individuals and companies virtual collaboration in 3d space for creative work, ideation, sales and knowledge management.

This is our all-in-one solution for you, combining a flexible front- und backend framework with our design, development and creation services.



„Virtual showrooms with worldwide access and without travel increase the efficiency of an organization exponentially.“
Uwe Eisele, Lead Marketing Germany dormakaba



front- und backend framework
Multiuser Virtual Reality
Multiuser Collaboration
Text Chat
Voice Chat
2D/3D Product Browser
Interactive 3D Product Presentations

Platform Windows
Device Desktop
VR Headset

Successful global companies need digital solutions, that not only make the most of current opportunities but also take courageous steps into the future.


The virtualization of your company with representations of your products and services inside a virtual 3D environment enable meetings, communication and collaboration of users from around the world. These are the first steps towards a new digital world, surrounding your brand.


Fields of application: Meetings, Sales, Training
Digital agency: Solid White

  • Marketing / Sales / Training Galerie 1
  • Marketing / Sales / Training Galerie 2
  • Marketing / Sales / Training Galerie 3
  • Marketing / Sales / Training Galerie 4
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