Windows-/iOS apps i.a. with augmented reality
For ZF Friedrichshafen, a worldwide leading technology company, in addition to various interactive exhibitions, we developed the corresponding Content Management System and were tasked with producing films. Among other things, we applied web technologies and the Unity engine. We combined the apps with dynamic augmented reality markers, huge LED matrix rings and physical interfaces such as at the material sample exhibit.
12 interactive exhibits
Augmented Reality
3D brand experience
Spatial communication
Content Management System
ZF Friedrichshafen is a company with a long and interesting history as well as a dynamic present. Set in an architecturally exciting environment, we set out to thrill visitors not only with a large number of real exhibits but also diverse digital and interactive exhibits. As a strong focus was set on the present in addition to the past, some of the exhibits were intended to also be kept current via a CMS.
To optimise the workflow and to complete all exhibits that run on Windows in the provided time, we applied the Electron Framework which is based on web technology for all 2D-based apps. This was also beneficial for the interplay with the CMS. Unity was as always the natural choice for augmented reality in combination with dynamic 3D content on iOS.
Customer: ZF Friedrichshafen
Digital agency: Solid White